While other consultancies talk “strategy”, but soon revert to short-sighted, tactical, tinkering with the status quo, StrataBridge help you create the bridge from your real world to your ideal world.
Pursuing your long-term strategy while delivering results today is fraught with contradictions. Recognising this paradox, and the many more we face in an increasingly interconnected world, StrataBridge – both a noun and a verb – epitomises ‘both/and’ thinking.
Paradox creates confusion because things don’t behave the way we instinctively expect them to:
- We often apply more of the same ‘medicine’ to solve a problem – and wonder why the problem worsens, or other new problems appear elsewhere
- We direct, dictate, intervene and manage more – only to receive less in terms of the results we want to achieve
- We push harder for closure – only to find the solution more evasive
The confusion that comes with paradox can cause both uncoordinated thrashing around and inaction – another paradox in itself!
But embraced properly, paradox also creates opportunity. Our approach will help you break through these barriers to action and strike your unique balance between:
- Both a framework for coordination and alignment and freedom for initiative and creativity
- Both short-term results and long-term strategic direction
- Both the ‘hard stuff’ (processes, mechanics, structure) and the ‘soft stuff’ (values, emotions, behaviours)
StrataBridge. Creating the bridge to make your Ideal world your Real world.